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作者:传兮留学 发布时间:2024-09-10 17:00:44





Growing up with separated parents has not been the easiest life, but it has been my life. When I was younger, I'd hate going out to eat with my dad and seeing a family of four happily enjoying a meal. If my mother and father ever went out together to a restaurant, it was with me, once a year for my birthday, and was usually interspersed with various disagreements.

It was when I was in first grade that I began to realize that, although my parents had their differences and no longer loved each other, I was the one thing that united them. I had no basis to be envious of what I thought of as "complete" families.

Both my mother and father, wanting the best for me, recognized early on my love and fascination with all things scientific. They worked to create opportunities for me to pursue my interest. My mother would read at bedtime, at my request, nature field guides instead of nursery rhymes. The two of us often made long journeys at 3:00 A.M. to witness meteor showers in the clear skies of the mountains. She encouraged me to set up experiments around the house, which I happily did—measuring the growth of palm tree saplings and dissecting owl pellets to extract the mouse bones inside. An environmental scientist, my father could not wait to transfer all of his scientific knowledge into my young head. needless to say, many of his spontaneous lectures were far above my grasp—I still vaguely remember a quantum physics talk he gave me when I was eight—but they inspired me to learn more on my own. My thirst for scientific knowledge grew over the years, without limits in any one specific area. Then, in January four years ago, my Aunt Diane died after a five-year battle with breast cancer. It was during my aunt's illness that I realized I could use my natural love of science to benefit others facing similar challenges.

I have continually pushed myself closer to this goal by excelling in my AP science classes, studying biotechnology at UC Davis through the COSMOS program, and competing as a member of my school's Science Bowl Team. This past summer, I had the opportunity to intern at the reijo Pera Lab at Stanford University through the Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer research Program. During this two-month internship, I worked with human embryonic stem cells to explore the function of PrDM1, a potentially-useful gene in the creation of regenerative medicines.

The scientifc spark my parents recognized years ago has shaped my life, and with it, I wish to shape the lives of others. I aspire to become a biomedical researcher, a career that harnesses my long-time fascination of science and my commitment to improve the quality of life for those facing medical challenges. It would be a privilege to work alongside scientists, exploring new treatments and technologies to create exciting new options for patients and their families.



在我上小学一年级的时候,我开始意识到,虽然父母之间有分歧,也不再相爱,但我是他们之间的纽带。我没有理由去羡慕那些我认为 “完整 ”的家庭。


我通过在大学预科科学课上取得优异成绩、通过 COSMOS 项目在加州大学戴维斯分校学习生物技术以及作为学校科学碗队的一员参加比赛,不断推动自己向这一目标靠近。去年暑假,我有机会通过斯坦福医学院暑期研究项目在斯坦福大学的reijo Pera实验室实习。在为期两个月的实习中,我与人类胚胎干细胞合作,探索PrDM1的功能,这是一种在创造再生药物中可能有用的基因。




I have always been a math-science girl. I sighed and sulked through classes on US History and French in eager anticipation of the formulas and applications I would be learning later in the day. I believe there are many factors which attribute to my success, two being my fascination and persistence.

When I was seven I once asked what math was good for and why I should learn it. The answer I received simply does not do math justice, “One day when you’re in line at the grocery store the cashier will give you too little change and you’ll be glad you learned this.” now in calculus I see the application of all these once foreign symbols, formulas, and letters. I am often amazed by the calculations I am able to do using the cumulative information acquired from nearly 12 years of education, such as how to maximize the volume of a box given a certain surface area. Math is not just plug and chug as many view it but it requires creativity and thinking out of the box to solve the problems encountered in the real world. Beauty lies in its simplicity and in the fact that proofs and observations are what brought the golden rectangle from ancient Greece, Pascal’s triangle, and the Pythagorean Theorem as well as a host of other theorems, equations, and postulates. Math has made the impossible possible and the once long and tedious, simple and quick. The genius of it is amazing as well as the fact that any person is capable of applying and discovering it. I draw graphs and try to make shapes from functions for fun, count to 10 to calm down, and save money at the store, too. For all of these reasons and many more, I am fascinated by math.

I wasn’t always good at math, contrary to what students in my classes might say. When I first showed interest in math in the 5th grade my parents laughed; middle school was even worse. Incoming 6th graders were given a test on the second day of school and depending on their scores were placed into a high or low speed math class. I was put in the slow speed math and missed a lot of class my first year, as a result my grade drifted from a B to a C to a C-, then I got help. I knew I liked math and I didn’t want to do bad in it so I bought books and hired my older brother to help me. I eventually made it to a B+. Later, in the summer after my junior year, I took a course that covered nearly a year of Calculus. I was told that if I decided to take Calculus AB, I would be bored, so I went for a challenge. My strongest subject began to take up most of my time. I had to read review books, go online for help, and stay in during nutrition and lunch for extra instruction. It was hard, but my dedication paid off and I earned an A. This persistence and drive also help me excel in math.向上滑动阅览



七岁时,我曾问过数学有什么用,为什么要学它。我得到的答案根本没有把数学说清楚:“有一天,当你在杂货店排队时,收银员会给你太少的零钱,你会很高兴你学会了这个。”现在,在微积分中,我看到了所有这些曾经陌生的符号、公式和字母的应用。我常常为自己能够利用近 12 年的教育所积累的信息进行计算而感到惊讶,比如如何在给定表面积的情况下使盒子的体积最大化。数学并不像很多人认为的那样只是插拔式的,它需要创造力和发散性思维来解决现实世界中遇到的问题。数学之美在于它的简洁,在于通过证明和观察得出了古希腊的黄金矩形、帕斯卡三角形、勾股定理以及大量其他定理、方程和公设。数学将不可能变为可能,将曾经冗长乏味的事情变得简单快捷。数学的天才之处令人惊叹,任何人都有能力应用和发现数学。我画图形,尝试用函数做图形,以此为乐,数到 10 可以让自己平静下来,还能在商店里省钱。基于所有这些原因以及更多其他原因,我对数学着迷。

我的数学成绩并不总是很好,这与我班上的学生可能会说的话恰恰相反。五年级时,我第一次表现出对数学的兴趣,我的父母都笑了。六年级的新生在开学第二天要接受一次测试,根据他们的分数被分到高速或慢速数学班。我被分到了慢速数学班,第一年缺了很多课,结果我的成绩从 B 到 C 再到 C-,后来我得到了帮助。我知道自己喜欢数学,也不想考得太差,于是我买了书,请我哥哥来帮我。最终我的成绩达到了 B+。后来,在高三结束后的暑假,我选修了一门涵盖近一年微积分的课程。有人告诉我,如果我决定选微积分 AB,我一定会觉得无聊,所以我就去挑战了。我的强项科目开始占据我的大部分时间。我不得不阅读复习书籍,上网寻求帮助,并在营养和午餐时间留在家里接受额外的指导。虽然很辛苦,但我的付出得到了回报,我获得了 A。这种坚持和动力也帮助我在数学方面取得了优异成绩。



This past summer I had the opportunity to participate in a highly rigorous academic program at MIT called MITES, Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science. For six and a half weeks I lived with 68 other rising seniors and college undergrads. Though we were all warned about how hard the program would be, we were all at the top of our classes and refused to believe it- after all, who did they think we were? The first day we sat together in a small auditorium, unaware of each other and of what lay ahead. We were told that our confidence would be shattered, our minds blown away, and our lives changed forever. Still somewhat unmoved, we were not afraid.

By the second week of MITES valedictorians, nerds, bookworms, and techies alike were leaning on each other’s shoulders at two in the morning crying over problem sets they had imagined only in nightmares. It is a well known fact that hard times bring friends closer together, but I would have never expected for these strangers to become my best friends, my support system, or even my family. The 16 hours days I was accustomed to at home did not last long. I was getting an average of four hours of sleep per night, finishing a book per week, zooming through subjects once foreign to me, and constructing a semiautonomous robot from drill motors all at the same time.

We were each enrolled in 5 classes, my schedule consisted of Introductory Physics, Engineering Design, Chemistry, first year Calculus, and Humanities. In the month and a half we completed a semester of Physics and Chemistry each, a full year of Calculus, the material equivalent to a semester in AP literature, and introductory level engineering. The work was so intense that when I entered school in the fall I enrolled in second year Calculus, and maintained the only A in AP Physics, having no physics experience prior to MITES.

Since this program I have not been satisfied with the regular coursework given at my school. I am constantly on the lookout for new programs to enrol in and other teams, clubs, and groups to join. This academic school year marks the peak of my involvement in educational opportunities. I have somehow managed to find time for the Speech and Debate team, ACE mentoring team, swim team, Science Bowl team, California Honours Society and Scholarship Federation, Play Production, Jewish Student Union, gEAr-UP Mentoring Program, and folkloric dancing.

MITES was the most challenging experience of my life. The program is the single most pivotal point in my academic endeavours to date. The assistants we had had all gone through the program and agreed that even in college at Harvard, MIT, Caltech, and Princeton, nothing came close. The motivation and encouragement I gained from MITES has fuelled my academic pursuits and pushed me to raise the bar. 


去年暑假,我有幸参加了麻省理工学院的一个非常严格的学术项目--MITES,即 “少数族裔工程与科学入门”。在为期六个半星期的时间里,我与其他 68 名高年级学生和大学本科生住在一起。虽然我们都被警告过这个项目会有多难,但我们都是班上的尖子生,都不相信--毕竟,他们以为我们是谁?第一天,我们一起坐在一个小礼堂里,彼此互不相识,也不知道未来会发生什么。我们被告知,我们的信心将被击碎,我们的思想将被摧毁,我们的生活将被彻底改变。我们仍然不为所动,但并不害怕。

到了 MITES 告别演讲的第二周,无论是书呆子、书虫还是技术人员,都会在凌晨两点靠在彼此的肩膀上,为那些只有在噩梦中才能想象到的问题集而哭泣。众所周知,艰苦的日子会让朋友们走得更近,但我从未想过这些陌生人会成为我最好的朋友、我的支持系统,甚至我的家人。我在家里习惯了每天工作 16 个小时,但这种生活并没有持续多久。我平均每晚睡 4 个小时,每周读完一本书,快速学习曾经对我来说陌生的科目,同时用钻头马达制造一个半自主机器人。

我们每人选修了 5 门课,我的课程表包括物理入门、工程设计、化学、一年级微积分和人文科学。在一个半月的时间里,我们分别完成了一个学期的物理和化学课程、一整年的微积分课程、相当于一个学期的 AP 文学教材以及工程学入门课程。由于学习非常紧张,秋季入学时,我报名参加了微积分二年级课程,并在 AP 物理课程中保持了唯一的 A,而在参加 MITES 之前,我没有任何物理学习经验。

从这个项目开始,我就不满足于学校的常规课程。我一直在寻找新的课程,加入其他团队、俱乐部和团体。本学年是我参与教育机会的高峰期。我设法抽出时间参加演讲与辩论队、ACE 辅导队、游泳队、科学碗队、加州荣誉协会和奖学金联合会、戏剧制作、犹太学生会、gEAr-UP 辅导计划和民族舞蹈。

MITES 是我一生中最具挑战性的经历。这个项目是我迄今为止学术生涯中最关键的一个点。我们的助教都参加过这个项目,他们一致认为,即使是在哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、加州理工学院和普林斯顿大学,也没有什么能与之相提并论。我从MITES获得的动力和鼓励激励了我的学术追求,促使我不断提高自己。



November 23, Two years ago: Thanksgiving. My mom and I celebrated the holiday as we had done for the last three years—by delivering turkey dinners to homebound senior citizens. After carrying the food to their kitchens, our brief visits with them were filled with laughter, hugs, and the sharing of family photo albums. In the midst of all the warmth and vitality, though, I couldn't help noticing the signs of loneliness and isolation: the windows with dust suggesting they hadn't been open in ages, the faded Christmas cards from 1995, and the tables with a single place setting. It was during these visits that I committed to find a way to better connect with the seniors in my community.

I discussed my desire with the mayor of Fremont in December two years ago. He agreed that a younger voice could prove to be beneficial and mentioned the Senior Citizen Commission for the City of Fremont (an advisory board to City Council that worked to directly address the needs of local seniors). I formally applied to the Commission and was unanimously appointed by City Council in February last year, becoming the youngest Commissioner in Fremont's history.

Although I was initially met with skepticism from my fellow Senior Citizen Commissioners, I was committed to sharing my vision of the benefits of intergenerational interactions. For the next two months, my after-school hours were devoted to calling nursing homes, negotiating with movie theatre managers, and recruiting teen volunteers. The resulting event was the Senior Movie Outing, which paired teenagers with wheelchair-bound seniors for a fun afternoon at the movies. As a result of my hard work on the successful outing and the rave reviews from all who participated, my fellow Commissioners became more respectful of my contributions and open to my input. During the annual grant-reviewing period (when the Commission decides which non-profit organizations will receive City funding), I advocated to fund Lavender Seniors, an organization which supports gay and lesbian seniors. While it had not previously been funded by the City, I strongly believed it fell within the Commission's charter of "serving the needs of all seniors." After sharing my rationale for proposing to fund Lavender Seniors, I was proud that the Commissioners kept an open mind and the majority voted to grant the organization funding.

In the two years since my appointment, I have cherished the unique opportunities I have had to learn from people with different perspectives and backgrounds. My time on the Commission has taught me to be more confident when expressing my ideas, and to be more open to hearing others' thoughts. I am proud to be a trusted voice for seniors in my community.


11月23日,两年前:感恩节。我和妈妈像过去三年一样庆祝这个节日--为居家养老的老人送火鸡晚餐。在把食物送到他们的厨房后,我们短暂的探访充满了欢笑、拥抱和家庭相册的分享。在这些温暖和活力中,我不禁注意到了孤独和寂寞的痕迹:窗户上的灰尘表明它们已经很久没有打开过了,1995 年的圣诞贺卡已经褪色,餐桌上只有一个餐具。正是在这些访问中,我决心找到一种方法,更好地与社区中的老年人建立联系。

两年前的 12 月,我与弗里蒙特市市长讨论了我的愿望。他同意年轻的声音可能会带来益处,并提到了弗里蒙特市老年公民委员会(市议会的一个咨询委员会,致力于直接解决当地老年人的需求)。我正式向该委员会提出申请,并于去年 2 月获得市议会的一致任命,成为弗里蒙特历史上最年轻的专员。

尽管起初我的老年公民委员们对我持怀疑态度,但我还是致力于分享我对代际互动益处的看法。在接下来的两个月里,我利用课余时间给养老院打电话,与电影院经理谈判,并招募青少年志愿者。最终,我们举办了 “老年人电影郊游 ”活动,让青少年与坐轮椅的老年人一起度过了一个愉快的下午。由于我为这次成功的郊游活动付出了辛勤的汗水,而且所有参与活动的人都对我赞不绝口,因此我的委员们变得更加尊重我的贡献,也更愿意听取我的意见。在年度拨款审查期间(委员会决定哪些非营利组织将获得市政府的资助),我主张资助 “薰衣草老人”(Lavender Seniors),这是一个支持同性恋老人的组织。虽然该组织以前从未获得过市政府的资助,但我坚信它符合委员会 “为所有老年人的需求服务 ”的章程。在分享了我提议资助 “薰衣草老人 ”组织的理由后,我感到自豪的是,委员们保持了开放的心态,大多数人投票赞成向该组织提供资助。




MY FAMILY HAS TAKEN LIVING IN the big city as a reason for why we should never give up. Here in Los Angeles there are countless individuals and families along all points on the immigration spectrum from recent arrivals to recent citizenship. residing in this great city has provided me with diversity, opportunity, acceptance, and an abundance of role models to follow through all troubles- big and small.

I always thought that I had it the worst out of all my family members because I was never allowed to get anything lower than what my brother or a cousin had gotten in a class. My parents figured if they could do it, so could I, and if not on my own then with a little of their help. It was not until recently that I realized the truth in this. In my short life I have seen my father go from speaking no English, to excelling in it. I have heard countless stories about migrant farmers such as Cesar Chavez and my grandfather who had nearly nothing, yet persisted and succeeded.

growing up hearing these stories of great injustices and misfortunes has truly influenced my long term goals. I am going to go far because there is no excuse for not doing my best, given all I have been blessed with. When I had trouble speaking Spanish and felt like abandoning my native tongue I remembered my mother and how when she came to the United States she was forced to wash her mouth out with soap and endure beatings with a ruler by the nuns at her school for speaking it. When I couldn't figure out tangents, sines, and cosines I thought about my father and how it took him nearly a year to learn long division because he was forced to teach it to himself after dropping out and starting to work in the 4th grade. And when I wanted to quit swimming because I was tired I remembered my grandfather and how no matter how his muscles ached if he stopped digging, or picking fruit, he risked not having enough food to feed his family. Pursuing technical fields such as math and engineering first seemed like work for me to me, but the times have changed. All these people, just from my family have been strong role models for me.

I feel that being labeled "underprivileged" does not mean that I am limited in what I can do. There is no reason for me to fail or give up and like my parents and grandparents have done, I've been able to pull through a great deal. My environment has made me determined, hardworking, and high aiming. I would not like it any other way. This is how my Hispanic heritage, family upbringing, and role models have influenced my academic and personal long term goals.





我觉得,被称为 “弱势群体 ”并不意味着我的能力有限。我没有理由失败或放弃,就像我的父母和祖父母所做的那样,我已经能够克服很多困难。我所处的环境让我变得坚定、勤奋、目标高远。我不喜欢其他方式。这就是我的西班牙传统、家庭教养和榜样对我的学业和个人长期目标的影响。(以上为DeepL机翻)


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