哥伦比亚大学Columbia University in the City of New York,简称:“哥大”,是一所坐落于美国纽约曼哈顿上城晨边高地的私立研究型大学,是美洲大学协会的12个创始校之一以及国家大学体育协会(NCAA)体育赛事联盟常春藤盟校的成员。哥大是纽约州最古老的高等教育学府,也是美国历史第五悠久的高等教育机构。
哥大Master of Science in Business Analytics.该课程为期三个学期,可在 12 个月内完成,专为那些想要专注于学习建模技术和数据科学工具以帮助企业利用数据做出更好决策的人而设计。学位课程的一个关键要素是顶点项目,该项目使用真实数据集与客户及其实际业务问题进行深入的咨询互动。
商业分析理学硕士课程已获得 STEM 认证,并有资格获得 F-1 STEM OPT 延期。学生必须修读相当于12门三学分课程(36学分)的课程,其中至少18学分需要来自IEOR学院,12-18分(4-6门)来自business school剩余的学分可以在自由选课。允许在提交申请的情况下,修3门商学院的课,选课自由度还可以,也可以选CBS的课,但是第一学期没什么自由度。
1. 就业方向:
2. 就业岗位:
提交网申并支付申请费后,在Checklist中会看到“Video Interview”,Kira面试形式,面试包括3个行为问题,90秒准备时间,180秒内回答完毕。完成video后,申请才开始review.此部分为网申的一环。完成时限:建议在application deadline前完成,最晚在提交申请后一周内。
1. 关于自身
(1) What are your biggest strengths?
(2) What is the riskiest decision you have ever made?
(3) What's the most interesting thing about you?
(4) What makes you unique?
(5) What do you do for fun?
(6) What does BA mean to you?
(7) What has motivated you to pursue this academic field?
(8) If you could have dinner with someone (living or dead), who would that person be?
(9) How would your peers describe your character?
(10) What does integrity mean to you?
(11) How do you define ethics?
(12) Who inspires you?
(13) Can you tell us about a stressful situation?
2. 关于经历
(1) Please select an experience on your resume, and tell us more about it.
(2) Tell us about your internship experience.
(3) Tell us a project that you enjoyed. Why was it meaningful?
(4) 描述一个团队合作的 setting,其中你给别人带来了正面影响
(5) A time you assumed a leadership role
(6) Describe an instance of your leadership experience.
(7) Tell us about a time when you took charge of a meeting.
(8) Any leadership experience.
(9) Tell me an experience when you used creative methods to solve problems.
(10) Tell me about an achievement that you are most proud of.
(11) Let's say you found a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million. What would you do?
3. 关于学术
(1) We are very proud of our curriculum; what courses/topics are you excited about?
(2) What courses/topics are you interested in?
(3) What course has had the largest impact on you in your academic career?
(4) What are your biggest strengths?
(5) tell us about your academic weakness
(6) What aspects of your academic experience are you dissatisfied with?
(7) What can Columbia Engineering offer you that other programs cannot?
(8) What can you get from this program?
(9) What do you hope to gain from this program?
(10) What abilities or skills do you hope to strengthen through our program?
(11) Why pursue an advanced degree?
(12) Why are you interested in Columbia's MSBA program?
(13) What skills do you expect to develop through your program?
(14) What would you change about academic life so far?
(15) Programming proficiency is very important in analytics. Can you tell us your programming experience?
4. 其他
(1) What's your favorite food, and why?
(2) How do you feel about New York City?
(3) Why Columbia Engineering?
(4) When you are facing negative feedback, what would you do?
(5) Tell us something that is not on your application
(6) Tell a joke.
(7) Do you have any questions for our team?